Active Technical Inquiries

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Military personnel wearing radiological protection gear talk next to a naval vessel.

Who are the subject matter experts regarding radiological events occurring aboard a naval vessel?

The Homeland Defense and Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC) is seeking subject matter experts (SMEs) to better understand procedures in the event of a radiological release occurrence aboard a naval vessel. SMEs of interest would…

Image of servicemembers from multiple countries gathering together.

What 2025 events will focus on improvised threats involving Five Eye countries?

The Homeland Defense and Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC) is looking for information on improvised threat-focused events, conferences, working groups, demonstrations, exercises, etc., that are open to Five Eye (FVEY) (United States, Australia, Canada, New…

Image of atmospheric activity by meteorological sensors.

What information exists on atmospheric dust and its correlation to climate change?

The Homeland Defense and Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC) is seeking information on global atmospheric dust research. Of particular interest are efforts that focus on atmospheric dust interactions with climate change and its expected future…


What biometric technologies scan the occupants of a vehicle at speed?

The Homeland Defense and Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC) is seeking information on existing commercial/government off-the-shelf biometric technologies that can scan the occupants of a vehicle (of various sizes) at speed. Of interest are integrated…


What biometric technologies scan the occupants of a vehicle at speed?

The Homeland Defense and Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC) is seeking information on existing commercial/government off-the-shelf biometric technologies that can scan the occupants of a vehicle (of various sizes) at speed. Of interest are integrated…

A U.S. Air National Guard Airman powers up a MultiRAE portable gas detector

How do we format MultiRAE and AreaRAE sensor data to align with CJADC2 [Combined Joint All Domain Command and Control] initiative?

The Homeland Defense and Security Information Analysis Center is seeking information on examples of how to regulate, standardize, and format sensor data captured by MultiRAE Pro and AreaRAE multigas detectors used in chemical, biological, radiological,…

National Guard soldier removes simulated radioactive particles via a vacuum according to Standard Operating Procedure.

What capabilities exist for field-level radiological decontamination?

The Homeland Defense and Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC) is seeking information on current mitigation capabilities and procedures for radiological contamination. Of particular interest are optimal procedures used to decontaminate 10-20 personnel and/or equipment when…


What work is being done to create additional safety equipment to protect a Warfighter’s head from low-level blasts?

The Homeland Defense and Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC) is seeking information on work being done to create additional safety equipment to protect a Warfighter’s head from low-level blasts. Service members constantly expose themselves to…

Robot scans ground to detect hazards.

What multifunctional robotics platforms exist for first responders?

The Homeland Defense and Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC) was recently tasked with finding commercial- or government-off-the-shelf multifunctional robotics platforms to assist first responders in day-to-day activities. This would include any combination of hazardous material…


What information exists on conversion efficiencies of chemical warfare agents (CWAs) V to CWA G Using Silver Fluoride Conversion Pads/Tubes?

The Homeland Defense and Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC) is seeking information on conversion efficiencies of chemical warfare agents (CWAs) V to CWA G using silver fluoride (AgF) conversion pads/tubes. HDIAC is interested in obtaining…

Marines, simulated riot, nonlethal weapons training, Camp Lejeune

What intermediate force capabilities provide Warfighters with nonlethal response options?

The Homeland Defense and Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC) was asked to locate nonlethal systems that could provide Warfighters with an intermediate response capability. This capability should be deployed by a fire team-sized element (four…


What capabilities exist to eliminate the “memory effect” of furan and dioxin in pollution abatement systems?

The Homeland Defense and Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC) was recently tasked with finding solutions to eliminate the “chemical memory effect” of gaseous or solid particulate dioxin and furan by-products that accumulate in given pollution…