Weapons of Mass Destruction

Chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons or devices capable of a high order of destruction and/or causing mass casualties.

Recent Inquiries

What is the history (or past cases) on the use of a radio-frequency activation system fitted with electric motors for movement to pilot an improvised explosive device?

What is the history (or past cases) on the use of a radio-frequency activation system fitted with electric motors for movement to pilot an improvised explosive device?

What work is being done to create additional safety equipment to protect a Warfighter’s head from low-level blasts?

What work is being done to create additional safety equipment to protect a Warfighter’s head from low-level blasts?

What studies have been done to show high touch point surfaces for U.S. Marine Corps vehicles?

What studies have been done to show high touch point surfaces for U.S. Marine Corps vehicles?


graphic of computer, radiation detector, chemistry beakers, and test tubes all linked together

The New CBRN Paradigm: Accelerating Development on Both Sides

For over a century, the chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) enterprise focused on chemicals, biological agents, radiological isotopes, and nuclear weapons proliferation. The shift from the Cold War to counterterrorism changed the employment of…

DIA-Nuclear-Challenges report cover

DIA Releases Nuclear Challenges Intelligence Overview

JOINT BASE ANACOSTIA-BOLLING–The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has released a new publication describing the current nuclear capabilities of foreign adversaries. The report, “Nuclear Challenges:  The Growing Capabilities of Strategic Competitors and Regional Rivals,” is the…

Illustration of electronic circuits, mathematical formulas, and molecule models.

FACT SHEET AND REPORT: DHS Advances Efforts to Reduce the Risks at the Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Threats

On October 30, 2023, President Biden signed Executive Order (E.O.) 14110 on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence. The overarching goal of the E.O. is “to ensure that America leads the…


Novel Nuclear Forensics for the 21st Century

This work will demonstrate how ubiquitous radiological characterization can take place throughout all nuclear facilities for all nuclear material (even those facilities the United States does not know exist). The presentation will detail how this…

Radiation Biodosimetry: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go

In the case of radiological/nuclear (R/N) mass casualty incidents, several thousands of humans may be exposed to ionizing radiation. Timely assessment of radiation dose is critical for making an appropriate “lifesaving” clinical decision for those…

Policies, Procedures, and Dangerous Plumes: Lessons Learned From a Mixed-Hazardous Waste Tabletop Exercise

In June of 2023, the Homeland Defense & Security Information Analysis Center convened a Tabletop Exercise (TTX) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, which posited a mixed-hazardous waste “dirty bomb” blanketing a nearby federal reservation and its…


A U.S. Army reserve soldier participates in a CBRN exercise.

Joint Civil & DoD CBRN Symposium

The 13th Annual Joint Civil & U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Symposium will explore efforts and strategies to address and mitigate current and emerging CBRN threats and challenges. The…

Image of two aircraft, a submarine, and a ballistic missile, overlayed with a triangle labeled "Nuclear Triad"

The 17th Annual Nuclear Deterrence Summit

The Nuclear Deterrence Summit is an event that goes beyond bringing together leaders, experts, and industry executives in the field of nuclear deterrence. It is an opportunity for professionals in the nuclear deterrence and nonproliferation…

Two law enforcement agents training with shields.

The 2024 Law Enforcement Theme Week

The Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) will host the 2024 Law Enforcement Theme Week training during the week of November 17 – 23, 2024 (17th and 23rd are travel days) on the CDP campus in…