Customer: Y-12 National Security Complex (Y-12)
Challenge: Y-12 plays a pivotal role in the U.S. Department of Energy’s nuclear security enterprise by developing novel methods for manufacturing and storing nuclear materials, which serve as critical assets in strategic nuclear deterrence. A major challenge to the resilience of these long-term assets is corrosion. In an effort to enhance the resilience of these strategic deterrents, Y-12 requested information concerning aluminum-based coatings and application methods used by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) for corrosion-resistant primers and coatings.
Approach: HDIAC’s research analysts and subject matter experts from DoD and industry analyzed corrosion-resistant solutions employed by the DoD, including aluminum-rich primers, thermal spray aluminum, and cold spray aluminum. HDIAC enumerated test data, efficacy, and application parameters for each of these corrosion prevention compounds for Y-12.
Value: In a time when the rate of technical information generation regarding corrosion protection is outpacing Y-12’s ability to analyze it in a resource-efficient manner, HDIAC’s subject matter expertise and rapid analysis assisted Y-12 in identifying solutions for the continued development of novel corrosion protective coatings. Because of HDIAC’s cost-saving research, Y-12 is in the process of funding additional in-depth research.