Who are the subject matter experts regarding radiological events occurring aboard a naval vessel?

Military personnel wearing radiological protection gear talk next to a naval vessel.
Source: Sgt. James Lally, Massachusetts National Guard

Posted: January 21, 2025

Deadline: January 31, 2025

The Homeland Defense and Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC) is seeking subject matter experts (SMEs) to better understand procedures in the event of a radiological release occurrence aboard a naval vessel. SMEs of interest would include individuals who could advise on any or all the following topics:

  • Notification of post-radiological release
  • Evacuation of wounded personnel
  • Disposition of human remains involved in the incident

If you have any information or know of SMEs who might be willing to support this request, please provide contact information and details in the attached form here or in an e-mail to John Clements (john.r.clements14.ctr@mail.mil), the lead HDIAC analyst for this effort, or engage on the DoDTechipedia forum by clicking the “Join the Discussion” button below.

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