Are you interested in delivering a webinar presentation on your DoD research and engineering efforts?
HDIAC hosts live online technical presentations featuring a DoD research and engineering topic within our technical focus areas.
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Upcoming Webinars
Leveraging OSINT To Mitigate FOCI Risks And Prevent Dual-Use Technology Diversion
This in-depth webinar will explore how open-source intelligence (OSINT) can play a critical role in identifying and mitigating risks related to foreign ownership, control, or influence (FOCI) and preventing the diversion of dual-use technology. As…
Terrorist Exploitation of Commercial Technologies and Implications for U.S. National and Homeland Security
The increasing sophistication and rapid democratization of commercial technologies raise new concerns for the future of terrorism, both in the near and long term. Many commercial technologies – such as unmanned systems, extended reality, artificial…
Grasping Publicly Available Aerosol Data Streams
One of the most difficult challenges of any potential environmental data consumer is coping with the sheer volume, type, and quality of available datasets. Whether this consumer wants to know if they should carry an…
Basic Science and Applications Intersecting Aerosol, Plasma, and Powder Technologies
Fundamental investigations about the behavior of aerosols can provide insights into underlying physics useful for defense applications. There is a need for methods to rapidly scale-up existing recipes for materials using plasmas. Current research is…
Past Webinars
Podcast: Tech Talks – HDIAC Introduction
HDIAC Introduction The Homeland Defense and Security Information Analysis Center (HDIAC) is a Department of Defense (DoD) sponsored organization through the Defense Technical Information Center…
A Detailed Global Map of the Hydro-Economy: Water Footprints, Teleconnections, and Indirect Security Risks of Drought
The global hydro-economic network creates vulnerabilities for distant drought and water conflicts through trade connections. The water footprint maps this water supply chain network. This…
This webinar focuses on available biosurveillance data and data sources, preparation, and attributes. The recent Ebola outbreak in West Africa is one example of using…
Current High Throughput Cytogenetic Techniques for Radiation Biodosimetry
Ionizing radiation is considered a potent carcinogen. Therefore, determining absorbed radiation dose in humans, due to either occupational or accidental exposure, is critical for health…
Applying Risk and Crisis Communication Principles to HDIAC Focus Areas
Although governments are conducting research on technical approaches regarding emerging infectious diseases, especially those that could morph into bioterrorism, developing response plans and procedures, and…
Advancements in Solar Photovoltaics
Articles containing the words CadTel, CIGS, Dye Sensitized, Tandems, Nanostructures, and Perovskites often appear in tech news outlets announcing a breakthrough from solar cell companies….