Notable Technical Inquiries (TIs)

Notable TIs are findings and/or summaries of responses to the most recent and impactful technical inquiries submitted by HDIAC members under our 4 free hours of information research support.

Notable Inquiries

Notable TIs are findings and/or summaries of responses to the most recent and impactful technical inquiries submitted by HDIAC members under our 4 free hours of information research support.

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Newest Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Detection Equipment Technology

What references or fact sheets describe the newest technologies in the detection of CBRN agents and/or material?

1. Inquiry HDIAC received the following technical inquiry regarding a review of…

Attributing (Negative) Value to Electricity System Outages at Military Installations

What (negative) value is attributed to electricity system outages at military installations? What can we learn from existing studies to help us value upgrading and maintaining our electricity systems? What literature is out there that could inform such decisions?

1. Inquiry HDIAC received the following technical inquiry from the Special Assistant…

Reports on VX Decomposition With Lasers

What work has been done at Idaho National Labs (INL) using lasers to decompose VX nerve agent?

1. Inquiry HDIAC received the following technical inquiry from Dr. Gene Stark,…

COVID-19 Test Kits Reagents and Formulae

What are the reagents types and formulae used in COVID-19 test kits, sources of the reagents, and other processes using those reagents?

  The Defense Systems Information Analysis Center (DSIAC) was tasked with researching…

Long-Lasting Antimicrobial and Antiviral Surface Coatings

What commercially available, antiviral surface coatings last weeks/months instead of hours/days?

  The Defense Systems Information Analysis Center (DSIAC) was asked to determine…

Using Short-Wavelength Ultraviolet (UV-C) as a COVID-19 Decontamination Solution

Can short-wavelength ultraviolet (UV-C) lighting be used for antimicrobial decontamination of surfaces to mitigate the spread of COVID-19?

The Defense Systems Information Analysis Center (DSIAC) reached out to subject matter…

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