Notable Technical Inquiries (TIs)

Notable TIs are findings and/or summaries of responses to the most recent and impactful technical inquiries submitted by HDIAC members under our 4 free hours of information research support.

Notable Inquiries

Notable TIs are findings and/or summaries of responses to the most recent and impactful technical inquiries submitted by HDIAC members under our 4 free hours of information research support.

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Protective Coatings for Aircraft and Aerospace Parts

Can you provide information regarding common protective coatings for aircraft and aerospace parts?

Lithium Chloride Molten Salt

Can you provide a list of individuals researching lithium chloride molten salt?

Waterborne IED Detection

What detection and defeat technologies exist for waterborne improvised explosive devices (IEDs) for applications in open water and ports?

Recharging Systems/Batteries With Longer Life Expectancies

What are the novel charging systems or batteries with longer life expectancies?

IED Detection Along the Surf Zone

What technologies are available for detecting and identifying improvised explosive devices (IEDs) along the surf zone using autonomous or semi-autonomous means?

Surface Decontamination for Fentanyl

What are the indoor surface decontamination options for fentanyl and its derivatives?

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