& Security Digest

10 DECEMBER 2024

HDIAC collects and publishes articles related to our technical focus areas on the web to share with the DoD community.


HDIAC is proud to host the 2025 Public Health in a Migrant Crisis Tabletop Exercise during the week of May 5, 2025. This year’s exercise will focus on operations in camps designed for refugees, internally displaced persons, and other people in need of international protection. We are seeking presentations on new and novel research which can positively impact management of public health in such a scenario.

HDIAC will accept abstracts for presentations through February 28, 2025. Submitters will receive an answer no later than March 10, 2025.

Click here for more information:  https://hdiac.dtic.mil/call-for-abstracts/.


HDIAC Journal Release

HDIAC is excited to announce the release of our latest HDIAC Journal. This journal features exclusive articles on: • Breakthroughs in wearable molecular monitoring • Emerging technologies and concepts in the CBRN enterprise • Modern renewable resources for alternative energy generation • Enhancing Army combat effectiveness and survivability through microgrids To view and download this…


Featured Notable Technical Inquiry

Image of a wind turbine

Who is conducting research and development on small, wind energy generation?

The Homeland Defense and Security Information Analysis Center was asked to provide information on recent and ongoing efforts to field small-scale wind-power designs generating ≤100 kW to serve standalone electrical loads not connected to a utility distribution system or local microgrid. Sources include work from U.S. Department of Defense entities, academic scholars, and industrial/commercial products or research. Additional parameters for the inquiry include a focus…

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HDIAC hosts live online technical presentations featuring a DoD research and engineering topic within our technical focus areas.



A political map of the Caribbean Sea showing Central and South America.

Security Implications for the United States From Iranian and Hezbollah Activities in Latin America and the Caribbean

This presentation will examine engagement with Latin America by Iran, its government agents, and surrogate groups such as Hezbollah, including terrorist finance, terrorism, and other activities and their evolution in recent years.  It will address the interaction of that presence with the risk of escalating the conflict in the Middle East and weak or anti-U.S….



13th Annual SOF & Irregular Warfare Symposium

The 13th Annual SOF and Irregular Warfare Symposium will focus on the dynamic challenges of modern unconventional warfare. As state and nonstate actors continue to evolve their strategies, this year’s event will gather senior leaders…

Eastern Defense Summit 2024

The Eastern Defense Summit, formerly known as the annual CDCA Defense Summit, brings more than 2,000 government, military, academia, and industry leaders together to better understand and address today’s challenges and threats within our defense…

The 19th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition

The IEEE conference series on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition is an international forum for research in image and video-based face, gesture, and body movement recognition. It is cosponsored by the IEEE Biometrics Council and…

Voice From the Community

Ian Murphy

China Subject Matter Expert

Ian Murphy is a China subject matter expert at Securifense Inc., where he leverages his research, analysis, and strategic planning skills to contribute to meaningful publications in security, economics, and international trade. He has a background in national security and international business. His areas of expertise include Indo-Pacific security, China-Taiwan politics and economy, and U.S. foreign policy. He served as a research assistant for the Chung-Hua Institute for Economic Research, giving him first-hand experience analyzing Taiwan and China’s economic and security relationship.

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