& Security Digest


HDIAC collects and publishes articles related to our technical focus areas on the web to share with the DoD community.


MARVEL Microreactor Reaches Final Design Step

The U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) MARVEL microreactor achieved 90 percent final design, a key step that will allow the project to move forward with fabrication and construction. MARVEL will be the first new reactor at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) in more than four decades and is expected to be completed in early 2025. The…


Featured Notable Technical Inquiry

Behavioral and Mental Health Issues Unique to the National Guard

The National Guard is a reserve component of the U.S. military comprising the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard. National Guard service members face unique challenges compared to both the active-duty components and other reserve component service members. To be successful, they must balance a civilian career with military training and responsibilities. They may be called to serve in an overseas contingency operation…

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HDIAC hosts live online technical presentations featuring a DoD research and engineering topic within our technical focus areas.



Homeland Defense and Future Warfighting Challenges Arising From the People’s Republic of China Activities in the Western Hemisphere

This webinar will discuss the range of vulnerabilities to the United States stemming from the growing activities of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), its companies, military, security agencies, and other agents in the Western Hemisphere in peacetime and in the context of a possible future military conflict with the PRC.  We will focus on…



13th Annual SOF & Irregular Warfare Symposium

The 13th Annual SOF and Irregular Warfare Symposium will focus on the dynamic challenges of modern unconventional warfare. As state and nonstate actors continue to evolve their strategies, this year’s event will gather senior leaders…

Eastern Defense Summit 2024

The Eastern Defense Summit, formerly known as the annual CDCA Defense Summit, brings more than 2,000 government, military, academia, and industry leaders together to better understand and address today’s challenges and threats within our defense…

The 19th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition

The IEEE conference series on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition is an international forum for research in image and video-based face, gesture, and body movement recognition. It is cosponsored by the IEEE Biometrics Council and…

Voice From the Community

PNG20231031 Ken Erney
Ken Erney

Director of Autonomous Systems and Robotics at Unmanned Experts, Inc.

As the Director of Autonomous Systems and Robotics at Unmanned Experts, Inc., Ken Erney manages a team that designs and builds the hardware that their extensible air traffic management (XTM) runs on, the SDR-based communications fabric their products use to collaborate, and the software that provides their flight systems with advanced intelligence and perception. The team is comprised of highly focused professionals pursuing U.S. technological superiority through the synthesis of autonomous robotics, swarms, and XTM systems.

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